Author: paullane

Stop cops killing civilians

I think the reason police keep killing civilians without murder convictions is that we allow foxes to guard the hen house. If every fatal shooing by police officers were investigated by the FBI instead  of the local officers’ buddies, there would be…Read More »

Life is like…

Life is like a refrigerator: You can’t get anything out that you haven’t put in; Put good stuff in – you’ll get good stuff out; If you put good stuff in, use it soon or it will go bad.

Shout Talk

Have you noticed that TV has bought into the infomercial philosophy that the listening public is so stupid that you have to shout at them continuously? News, talk shows, and even RTM are constantly just a few decibels below a full shouting…Read More »

Why I voted for Trump

Many would agree that the choice of either Hilary or Donald was an affront to common sense and the American public. Both are ruthless, dishonest, lying people out to grab more power than any single person should have. Given that both of…Read More »